real people deserve real content.

The current state of the media landscape is to churn out buckets of one-size-fits-all content, meant to drive engagement without producing real, organic viewership and followings. It is so important that we use these mass media tools to our advantage to tell other’s stories and make a difference, and I believe there is a way to do that without precise strategies and manipulation, because that only leads to false community.

Below you will find my portfolio, which ranges from music videos, to promotional content,
and my own personal project and exploration into the universe of content creation.

senior capstone
@ Belmont Uni


SOcial Media

For The Cast Collective

For The Cast Collective

For The Cast Collective

Welcome to…

on the record

What started as an assignment to fulfill a class credit in my last semester of college, quickly transformed into a passion project and an outlet for my creativity and interest in social media. @RachOnTheRecord features my opinions and recommendations relating to the genres I enjoy, alongside appearances from my friends and serves as my live portfolio and exploration in social media marketing.